Introducing Predictoor Data Farming

Run AI-powered prediction bots and earn. 37,500 OCEAN weekly ongoing, with bonus weekly ROSE

Trent McConaghy
Ocean Protocol


1. Introduction
2. Predictoor DF Timing
3. Predictoor DF Reward Amounts
4. How to Earn $ Via Predictoor DF
5. How to Earn More $ Via Passive DF & Volume DF
6. Conclusion
Appendix: Updates to Challenge DF


Predictoor Data Farming is a new Ocean incentives program that amplifies predictoors’ earnings, via OCEAN and ROSE rewards in the form of weekly extra sales to Predictoor data feeds [1]. This higher baseline sales also makes Volume DF and Passive DF more attractive.

Update: As of Jan 16, 2024, weekly rewards are 37,500 OCEAN and 20,000 weekly ROSE ($17000 + $2500 = $19500 at today’s prices).

1. Introduction

Ocean Predictoor data feeds predict whether BTC, ETH etc will rise or fall 5min or 1h into the future. Such feeds are alpha to traders. These feeds are crowdsourced by “predictoors”: people running AI-powered prediction bots. Predictoors earn from sales of the feeds (to traders) and from stake reshuffling ($ going from incorrect predictoors to correct ones). Predictoor’s longer-term vision is 10,000 feeds, going beyond finance to weather, agriculture, and more.

Predictoor is a product built by Ocean Protocol core team. Predictoor smart contracts run on Oasis Sapphire, the only privacy-preserving EVM chain in production. The Ocean and Oasis core teams collaborate closely ❤️.

Data Farming (DF) is Ocean’s incentive program. It rewards OCEAN to participants who lock OCEAN into veOCEAN, curate data, or make predictions — all in the name of driving data consume volume (DCV). DF is organized into two streams: Passive DF and Active DF. Passive DF allows for passive earning potential. Active DF requires more engagement; it has several substreams.

Predictoor Data Farming is a new substream of Active Data Farming. It amplifies existing predictoors’ earnings based on their accuracy and stake. It does so by basically contributing extra sales to Ocean Predictoor data feeds. Let’s dive in!

2. Predictoor DF Timing

Predictoor DF starts counting on Nov 9, 2023, at the beginning of Data Farming Round 63 (DF63). It runs indefinitely.

3. Predictoor DF Reward Amounts

Predictoor DF has two components: OCEAN rewards and Oasis ROSE rewards. Here are details:

  1. OCEAN payouts of 37,500 OCEAN/week, ongoing.
    — A special “DF buyer” bot purchases Predictoor feeds. It starts operating on Nov 9. Every day, it spends 1/7 of the weekly Predictoor OCEAN budget for another 24h subscription. It spends an equal amount per feed. (Currently there are 20 feeds: 10 x 5min, 10 x 1h.)
    — The OCEAN comes from the Ocean DF budget, as part of the Active DF sub-budget. Here are details.
  2. ROSE payouts: 20,000 ROSE / week
    — Payout is at the end of the DF round. Payout for a given predictoor is pro-rata to the net earnings of that predictoor over that DF round, specifically (total sales $ to the predictoor) minus (predictoor stake slashed due to being wrong). Here are details.
    — The ROSE comes from a generous contribution of Oasis Protocol Foundation 👪🙏.

For further details about DF more generally, including DF stream budgets, see Data Farming docs and “Ocean Data Farming Main is Here” blog post.

4. How to Earn $ Via Predictoor DF

4.1 How to become a predictoor

Simple, run your own prediction bot! 🤖

4.2 On OCEAN Rewards in Predictoor DF

  • Duration: ongoing
  • To be eligible: predictoors are automatically eligible 🧘
  • To claim: run the Predictoor $OCEAN payout script, linked from Predictoor DF user guide in Ocean docs.

4.3 On $ROSE rewards in Predictoor DF

  • Duration: has commitment to end of 2024. After that TBD.
  • ⚠️ To be eligible for a given DF round: you MUST run Predictoor $OCEAN payout script <= 4 days after the round ends, i.e. between Thu 00:00 UTC & Sun 11:59 PM UTC
  • To claim: see instructions in Predictoor DF user guide in Ocean docs

5. How to Earn More $ Via Passive DF & Volume DF

Predictoor DF makes Active DF more attractive, and in turn Passive DF. Let’s zoom in.

First, we review Passive DF and Volume DF (details here):

  • Passive DF has 75K OCEAN weekly rewards budget. To participate, one locks OCEAN for veOCEAN. Rewards to a user are pro-rata to the user’s veOCEAN holdings.
  • Volume DF has 37.5K OCEAN weekly rewards budget. To participate in Volume DF, one allocates veOCEAN towards data assets. Rewards to a user are higher for more veOCEAN allocated, and for more DCV on the data asset that’s allocated to (DCV = Data Consume Volume).

Predictoor DF makes Volume DF more attractive than status quo, because the volume-based bounds on weekly rewards trends tend to be qualitatively higher for prediction feeds. (See the Appendix for details.)

Curating is straightforward. Ocean assets with high DCV are easy to identify: it’s the 20 OPF-published prediction feeds. This makes the choice of veOCEAN allocation easy: point to those 20 assets [1].

Doing Volume DF gives Passive DF rewards too, of course.

The net result: Predictoor DF means earnings potential from Predictoor DF, Volume DF, and Passive DF.

6. Conclusion

A “predictoor” runs AI-powered prediction bots in the Ocean Predictoor ecosystem. They onboard here. They earn $ from sales of prediction feeds; higher accuracy and higher stake mean higher $.

Predictoor DF is a new incentives program that amplifies predictoors’ earnings, via extra sales to Ocean Predictoor data feeds. Rewards are in OCEAN and ROSE.

The higher baseline sales makes Volume DF and Passive more attractive.

Challenge DF has been wound down. The Appendix has details.

To read more: Predictoor docs, all Predictoor blog posts.

Appendix: Updates to Challenge DF

Challenge DF rewards are reduced, and will wind down soon. Here are details.

Challenge DF was introduced & shipped in July 2023 in DF Round 48 (DF48). It was always conceived as an onboarding mechanism to becoming a predictoor, ie someone who runs a bot predicting ETH and more within the Ocean Predictoor ecosystem. Since Predictoor was introduced, predictoor onboarding has greatly improved. It’s no longer worth doing Challenge DF first. So let’s simplify:)

Therefore, since the launch of Challenge DF, there are two important updates.

  1. Reduced payouts. As of DF63, Challenge DF payouts are reduced from 5000 OCEAN / week to 1000 OCEAN / week. DF63 counting starts on Nov 9, 2023 and concludes on Nov 16, 2023. (Predictoor DF is introduced in DF62.) The Active DF budget is 37K / 37K / 1K OCEAN for Volume / Predictoor / Challenge DF respectively.
  2. Wind-down. DF66 is the final round for Challenge DF. Starting in DF67, the 1000 OCEAN / week will be redistributed equally to Volume DF and Predictoor DF. The Active DF budget will37K / 37K / 1K OCEAN for Volume / Predictoor / Challenge DF respectively.

For further details, see the Ocean Data Farming Series post, which includes “Predictoor DF” posts and other DF posts, all in chronological order.

Appendix: On DCV Bounds of Prediction Feeds

Predictoor DF makes Volume DF more attractive than status quo. Active DF’s rewards are bounded by DCV_bound which in turn is bound by sales volume and fees. In Predictoor DF, both those factors are raised; which raises the bounding in Volume DF; this in turn means higher earning potential. Let's elaborate.

At one time, Volume DF had a “wash consume” problem, where people published and consumed their own datasets. DF9 onwards address this, by putting a bounds on weekly rewards:

DCV_bound = DCV * m

Where m = DCV_bounding_multiplier = Ocean community fee (0.1%) + publish market fee.

This stopped wash consume because it became unprofitable to do wash consume: fees eat up all potential profits.

A low DCV (data consume volume) or a low m (publish market fee) mean low DCV_bound.

Predictoor DF makes both DCV and m higher!

  • DCV is higher: the 37K OCEAN/week counts as consume volume
  • m is higher: publish market fee is 20% for prediction feeds

Therefore DCV_bound is higher. Specifically: DCV_bound = 37000 * (0.001 + 0.20) = 7437 OCEAN. In other words, at least 7437 OCEAN is available for Volume DF in any given week.


[1] The BTC/USDT 5m and 1h feeds follow the same Volume DF mechanics as the other feeds, despite being free on the webapp.

Details: the BTC feeds are priced at the smart contract level. The webapp receives datatokens for those feeds and makes the prediction values public. Because the BTC feeds are priced, then: their DCV is non-negligible; allocating veOCEAN to them makes sense; and Volume DF rewards accrue to them as well.

Final Note

None of the content in this post should be taken as financial advice. Everything you do is your responsibility, at your discretion.


[Dec 6, 2023] ROSE rewards were initially targeted for just the first four weeks of Predictoor DF. However, as of today, an additional four weeks have been added, for eight weeks total. The blog post was updated accordingly.

[Jan 16, 2024] Mild updates throughout to reflect current OCEAN and ROSE weekly rewards emissions. Updated subtitle.

About Predictoor & Ocean Protocol

In Ocean Predictoor, people run AI-powered prediction bots or trading bots on crypto price feeds to earn $. Follow Predictoor on Twitter, and get support in discord. Track progress on GitHub at pdr-backend and more. Predictoor runs on Oasis Sapphire confidential EVM chain.

Predictoor is powered by Ocean Protocol, which provides tools to privately & securely publish, exchange, and consume data. Follow Ocean on Twitter or Telegram.

