Whitelisting Guidelines for Ocean Protocol Pre-Launch Distribution

Bruce Pon
Ocean Protocol
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2018


What you need to know to get whitelisted for the Ocean Protocol token pre-launch distribution.

Photo by Sara Santandrea on Unsplash


  1. To whitelist, go to: https://oceanprotocol.com. Type this directly into your browser tab or bookmark it to know you’re on the right site.
  2. Please use Cryptonite by Metacert or Metamask for your browser. We recommend Firefox or Chrome. When you are on a safe url, the shield will turn from Black to Green. If the shield remains black, you are not on a safe site!
Cryptonite Green Shield — you’re on a safe site!


  • Website — Feb. 15 at https://oceanprotocol.com.
  • Start Times — listed below for each city:
  • Documents & Eligibility — are explained here. Please ensure that you have all your documents ready and you’ve checked your eligibility.
  • Limits — the number of participants for the token exchange is capped at 10,000. We’re overwhelmed with the interest and support from the community however we would also like each contributor to receive a meaningful allocation. We will announce when the limit has been reached.
  • Individual Allocations — the following table shows the contribution caps for individuals and companies depending on the number of people that whitelist.
  • Close Time — the whitelisting closes on March 1 at 0900 UTC+1.

Additional Details:

How do I know that I’m one of the first 10,000 on the whitelist?

  • You will receive an email from us that confirms your eligibility to contribute.

Even if you whitelist, it’s not guaranteed that you’ll be able to contribute

  • We expect that some contributors will not take up their entire allocation amount, so there is still a good likelihood that most of the people whitelisted will be able to contribute.
  • The individual cap is designed so that if everyone contributes the maximum amount, 72% of the whitelisted contributors will be able to contribute.

What if there is excess capacity even after all whitelisted have contributed?

  • If all those whitelisted are able to contribute and there is still excess capacity of tokens within the 9M€ target raise, the remaining portion will be re-allocated to the network launch token exchange.

How will I know where I stand in the whitelisting queue?

  • When you whitelist, if we’ve already received 10,000 submissions, the whitelisting tool will display a notification that we’ve reached the limit. We will also announce on our official channels.
  • We encourage you to continue to submit your documents to gain a slot on the priority list for the network launch token exchange in Q1/2019.

What happens if I got whitelisted but wasn’t able to contribute because the cap was reached?

  • You will be put on the priority list to be first in line for the network launch token exchange planned for Q1/2019.
  • We’ll also have a surprise for you.

What happens if more than 10,000 people try to whitelist?

  • We will accept submissions from everyone without limit. Those who submit after the whitelist limit has been reached, will not be able to contribute in the pre-launch distribution. All submissions received until March 1 will be put onto the priority list to be first in line for the network launch token exchange planned for Q1/2019.

What is the priority list?

  • Those on the priority list will be first in line to contribute for the network launch token exchange planned for Q1/2019.

When will the exchange rate between Ethereum and Ocean token be set?

  • The peg between Ocean and Ethereum will be set no later than March 6 at 0900 UTC+1.

The business whitepaper stated that 2 000 people would be accepted for the whitelist, why did this change to 10 000?

  • We didn’t anticipate the strong community response for our project. We’re very grateful. Given that we wanted to be as inclusive as possible, we raised the whitelist limit to 10 000 so that more people could participate.
  • We’d loved to have let everyone in, but we balanced inclusiveness with the individual contribution cap. We wanted individual contributors to be able to contribute a meaningful amount and we came out at 10 000 whitelisted with a cap of 1 250€ per contributor.
  • Everyone will be able to contribute in the network launch distribution scheduled for Q1/2019.

