Predict-ETH Round Data Challenge 4 is Live

$5000 in prizes available to accurately predict ETH 12 hours into the future

Ocean Protocol Team
Ocean Protocol


Summary: Follow the Predict-ETH Round 4 README to submit predictions, and win $$.

About Predict-ETH Competition

Calling all Oceaners and data scientists! How accurately can you predict ETH?

Ocean’s Predict-ETH data challenge is an exciting opportunity for data scientists to showcase their skills and potentially win big. This competition revolves around building a model that can accurately predict the price of Ether (ETH).

It uses Ocean Protocol’s open-source library.

Participants retain full control over any model they build for the competition, enabling them to monetize their work through the competition, trade using their model, or sell access to the model as a data feed on the Ocean Market!

This is the fourth round for Predict-ETH. Some contestants in Predict-ETH Round 3 had excellent predictions. Can you one-up them?

Predict-ETH Round 4 Prizes

Prize Pool: $5,000 USD/payable in OCEAN

  • 1st place: $2,500
  • 2nd place: $1,500
  • 3rd place: $1,000

Predict-ETH Round 4 Setup

See the challenge requirements, and submit your predictions all on the Predict-ETH challenge page.

You can use any data you wish — static data or streams, free or priced, raw data or feature vectors, published in Ocean or not. We included links to some data feeds and AI modeling approaches that you may find helpful in the challenge’s README.

The submission deadline is April 5th, 2023 at 23:59 UTC.

You must submit predictions 1 hour, 2 hours, …, 12 hours in the future of those predictions. (+1 minute to be precise:)

Evaluation Criteria

The winner = whoever has lowest prediction error (normalized mean-squared error, or NMSE). That’s all. There is no subjectivity.

To be eligible, competitors must produce the outcomes that the README guides:

  • ✔️ Signed up to Desights
  • ✔️Created an Ocean data NFT and filled it with (encrypted) predictions. Transferred it to the Ocean judges before the deadline
  • And more. The README has details.

Unlike previous Predict-ETH rounds, round 4 does not require a presentation or giving feedback.

Developer Support, Workshops, Chat

Support. If you encounter issues, feel free to reach out:

Workshops. We host Predict-ETH workshops to walk through the README, a unique submission example, and hold Q&A with our core team. The dates are:

  • Mar 14 at 3PM UTC
  • Mar 28 at 3PM UTC

See Ocean’s #events-overview Discord for further details.

Chat with us in Ocean’s data-challenges Discord


Follow the Predict-ETH Round 4 README to submit predictions, and win $$.

About Ocean Protocol

Ocean was founded to level the playing field for AI and data. Ocean tools enable people to privately & securely publish, exchange, and consume data.

Follow Ocean on Twitter or Telegram to keep up to date. Chat directly with the Ocean community on Discord. Or, track Ocean progress directly on GitHub.

About DesightsAI

Desights is a web3 platform to crowdsource solutions to toughest Data and AI challenges. Organizations/DAOs can fund these challenges and invite brightest minds in the Data and AI industry to solve these challenges. Apart from being a Data challenge platform, Desights aims to be a decentralized community of Data Scientists and like-minded individuals, where new innovative ideas are discussed and new collaborations are fostered.

